26.01 – 31.01.2025
Von der Industrie bis zur Medizin und weit darüber hinaus.
Mit den 3D-Druckern und Premium Materialien von Lithoz werden Visionen zu Projekten und bisher Unvorstellbares eine Lösung.
Unsere Kompetenz und Erfahrung für Ihren Weg in die Industrie 4.0.
Evove has leveraged Lithoz’s brand new CeraFab S320 to manufacture revolutionary ceramic filters for applications including lithium extraction. At the upcoming Formnext, Lithoz will showcase pioneering lithium filtration technology from Evove – made possible by Lithoz’s market-leading ceramic 3D printing machines. Evove, a leading innovator in advanced filtration technology, utilized Lithoz’s new CeraFab S320 to …
Mehr erfahren09.10.2024
Cranial implants today are primarily manufactured from materials such as titanium and PEEK. The patient’s bone may grow into and bond with these materials, but there are other options that more actively encourage new bone growth so that the implant becomes fully integrated. In this episode, we look at how 3D printing is enabling the development …
Mehr erfahren07.10.2024
With the recent launch of Lithoz’s Ceramic 3D Factory, a global network of service providers leveraging the company’s LCM technology, ceramic additive manufacturing is becoming more widely accessible. For years, ceramic additive manufacturing was limited largely to rapid prototyping and R&D applications. As the technology and materials have evolved thanks to industry leaders like Lithoz, …
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