CO2 Laser Spot Diameter (1/E2)
approx. 0.5mm
Building envelope up to 250 x 250 x 290mm
LIS technology enables the additive manufacturing of water-based standard suspensions with a very low organic binder content. Thanks to a simplified debinding process, significantly greater wall thicknesses can be realised with the CeraMax Vario V900. With the flexibility of 3D printing, it is the perfect platform for new approaches to ceramic material research - even in dark ceramics.
Want to learn more about the ceramax and lis technology?
The CeraMax Vario V900 makes it possible for the first time to produce large 3D-printed ceramic components. Thanks to water-based standard suspensions with very low organic binder contents, debinding is significantly simplified. The CeraMax Vario V900, which comes very close to slip casting, is the perfect platform for producing components with absolute densities and which have all the desired properties of technical ceramics.
Using LIS technology (Laser-Induced Slipcasting) in the CeraMax Vario V900, water-based slurry completely absorbs the laser beam. Due to treatment being purely heat-induced, even dark ceramics can be processed without any problems or loss of desired properties.
The CeraMax Vario V900 focuses on large parts with thick walls and perfect density.
approx. 0.5mm
up to 8m/s
200 – 1.000 µm
up to 250 x 250 x 290 mm
1.85 x 0.95 x 2.20 m
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