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Lithoz voted as winner by Licensing Executive Society International (LESI)

25th July 2022: Vienna, Austria.  Lithoz GmbH, global market leader in ceramic 3D printing, has been selected as the winner of the 2022 LESI Innovation Award’s ‘Small Enterprises’ category.

The goal of the LESI (Licensing Executives Society International) Innovation Award is to highlight recent studies in innovations and licensing, as well as recognize outstandingly innovative approaches in licensing technology that lead to long-term market innovations and a leading market position.

Lithoz was founded as a spin-off from the TU Wien by two students, Dr. Johannes Benedikt and Dr. Johannes Homa. Since then, the company has grown into a global market leader, with their industry-proven LCM 3D printers used for various applications, including medical, dental and industrial, their brand new LIS 3D printers for dark ceramics and voluminous parts and their high quality materials to suit different needs.

Thanks to the strength of their submission, Lithoz was voted by the LESI Innovation Trends Committee and LESI Board as this year’s ‘Small Companies’ winner. The Committee, chaired by André Gorius, Bayani Loste and Tanja Sovic, is responsible for monitoring the factors of change brought by innovation that have a significant impact on intellectual property and licensing.

The award was announced at the recent 2022 LESI Annual Meeting in Venice, with Northrop Grumman winning the ‘Large Enterprises’ category.

Dr. Johannes Homa, Lithoz CEO, was recently awarded the certificate in Vienna by Rainer Herzig (President LES Austria), Karin Hofmann (Vice-President LESI), Thomas Adocker (Chair Meetings Committee LESI) and Tanja Sovic (Chair Innovation Trends Committee LESI).

Dr. André Gorius, Co-Chair, felt that ‘Lithoz’s submission to the 2022 LESI Innovation Award was very strong and highly appreciated by the Committee.’ Speaking on behalf of the LESI Innovation Trends Committee about Lithoz’s win, Dr. Gorius stated that that ‘the submission, with its solid invention value creation process, impressive collaborative teamwork and partnership strategy, and clear identification of roadblocks along the whole value chain, aligned perfectly with our focus on the best way to detect and manage trends in innovation.

Founded in 1973, and incorporated in 2000, LES International (LESI) is the umbrella organization of national and regional associations for licensing executives. A Board of Directors and Board of Delegates, consisting of representatives of all national and regional societies, oversee the activities of LESI.

Lithoz PR Contact: Alice Elt +43 1 9346612 – 240 / [email protected]


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