‚Lithoz goes global with the Ceramic 3D Factory‘ – VoxelMatters AM Services Focus 2024 eBook

With the recent launch of Lithoz’s Ceramic 3D Factory, a global network of service providers leveraging the company’s LCM technology, ceramic additive manufacturing is becoming more widely accessible. For years, ceramic additive manufacturing was limited largely to rapid prototyping and R&D applications. As the technology and materials have evolved thanks to industry leaders like Lithoz, …
Ceramic AM at scale: How Bosch Advanced Ceramics produced 1,400 MedTech parts with 90 µm wall thickness in a single batch

Bosch Advanced Ceramics purchased its first Lithoz Additive Manufacturing machine in 2014. A decade later, this Bavaria-based ceramic AM pioneer has firmly established itself as a leading global contract manufacturer in its field. With a machine park that includes four Lithoz LCM (Lithography-Based Ceramic Manufacturing) AM machines, among other AM technologies, Bosch Advanced Ceramics is …
Silicon Nitride: The High-Performance Ceramic for Extreme Conditions – From the Human Body to Outer Space

Written by 3DNatives. Higher, further, faster – these are not only the demands placed on modern society, but also science, industries, applications and technology. Whether in the automotive, aerospace or medical sectors, the general aim is to push boundaries, expand existing possibilities and increase efficiency. But to serve these fields, high-performance materials are needed that …
3DPI Interview with Prof. Beni Cukurel: 3D Printed Jet Engines, a Micro Gas Turbine Revolution, and the Future of Energy

In a huge step towards the future of power generation and propulsion, a team led by Associate Professor Beni Cukurel at Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, has designed a micro gas turbine using additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing. This revolutionary development presents an ingenious approach towards the ‘Design for Additive Manufacturing’ …
‚The Rise of Lithoz: Innovative Ceramic 3D Printing‘ via Fabbaloo

‚Lithoz seems to be on a roll, expanding in several directions.‘
Lithoz ceramic 3D printing technology: a game-changer for aerospace applications

Written by 3D Printing Industry. When it comes to 3D printing in aerospace, metals are often the conventional material. However, high-performance 3D printed ceramics possess a number of excellent properties which make them highly efficient, and especially well suited for use in extreme environments. This makes ceramics ideal for 3D printing parts for aerospace applications. …