Explore opportunities for ceramic additive manufacturing in high temperature and wear resistant
applications in this webinar (Feb 22, 1.00 PM EST).
The session will look at end user industries
and their appetite for the technology; as well as their needs to support implementation and the industry’s
response to these requirements. The webinar will also answer key questions such as:
-Where are the opportunities for additive manufacturing in high temperature and wear resistant applications?
-What do end users need from the supply chain (i.e. what challenges need to be overcome) to enable
implementation of ceramic additive manufacturing?
-What is needed to enable a ceramic additive manufacturing supply chain?
-What can be done to create opportunities for this technology?
Speakers include:
Dr. Johannes Homa, CEO, Lithoz GmbH
Samantha Thomas, Research Group Leader – Ceramic 3D printing, Johnson Matthey
Scott Nelson, Staff Research Engineer, Delphi Technologies
Webinar Details:
TITLE: Creating Market Pull – Identifying Industry Requirements for Ceramic
Additive Manufacturing in High Temperature and Wear Resistant Applications
DATE: Thursday, February 22, 2018
TIME: 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
Register to attend this free webinar today: